Gesellschaft für Material­prüfung und Geophysik
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FörderturmArbeiter SüdafrikaArbeiter Salzbergwerk


For more than 20 years GMuG is engaged in studies of rock salt and clay stone (please see publi­cation list for further information). Another em­pha­sis are mea­sure­ments in deep mines (e. g. hard rock, crystalline).

GMuG performs both active mea­sure­ments such as ultra­sonic trans­mission or re­flec­tion mea­sure­ments as well as pas­sive moni­toring of micro­seis­mi­city and acoustic emis­sion.

Measuring systems of GMuG are operated among others in the following facilities:

In addition to measure­ments underground GMuG per­forms AE studies and ultra­sonic trans­mis­sion on la­bora­to­ry scale e. g. in a tri­axial press.

Measuring devices, sensors and sof­tware are deve­loped and manu­fac­tured by GMuG. All measuring systems in mines or in la­bo­ra­tories work fully auto­mati­cally. On-line (real­time) ana­lysis is possi­ble.